Alternative Dispute Resolution
At Whitaker Chalk, we are strong proponents of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). It’s an effective way to prevent costly, time-consuming litigation, keeps the parties’ private, sensitive or confidential information from public exposure, and it often can preserve important business relationships. ADR comes in many forms: early neutral evaluation, settlement counsel, trial by special judge, mediation, mini-trial, moderated settlement conference, summary jury trial, conciliation and arbitration. However, it can assume as many forms as the disputing parties can agree. These processes are used in both international and domestic disputes, which are voluntarily resolved in mediation through a process of negotiation and cooperation between the parties; no outsider imposes a solution. In arbitration, one or more arbitrators gather information from the parties, their arbitration advocates and witnesses, then make an award binding on the parties.
Any of these ADR methods are alternatives to litigation, but you still need experienced, skilled ADR practitioners to represent and guide you through each of these processes. While ADR is private and typically less formal than litigation, the skill and persuasiveness of your lawyer can shape the process. The ADR practitioners at Whitaker Chalk have extensive training and experience as ADR practitioners, which we will use to work toward a favorable resolution in your dispute.